The White Pill Manifesto

buckle up buttercup

Hi friends.

It’s your buddy Greg.

I sincerely hope that by the end of this email, we’re still friends.

Because today is the day I let you in on a little secret.

I’m f*cking angry.


Full of pent up rage.

You’d never know this from being on a Zoom call with me, or hanging out in real life.

I (almost) always keep the lid on.

But for many years, it’s been building.

And white pill is the release.

No, that’s not quite right.

It’s more like the result.

The fruit.

And unlike the bitter seed from which it sprang, this fruit is going to be life-giving and delicious.

Ok Greg, you’re thinking, stop with the poetry and pity party.

Yes. You’re right.

Let me explain further.

But first, sit down.

Many of you know I started my career in the pharma industry as a QC scientist.

But did you know that nowadays, I avoid pharma products whenever possible?

I’ve seen how the sausage is made, and it ain’t pretty.

I’ve witnessed some questionable calls made by management…

These test results are suspicious, is this product ok to send out the door?

(The answer was ALWAYS yes.)

Later, I co-founded a company that equipped startup testing labs with their high end “CSI” stuff.

Many of these labs were serving the (then) new legal weed market.

I watched one of our best customers nearly get sued out of existence for detecting an illegal pesticide in one of his customer’s samples.

Was the result real? No idea.

But pretty sure that batch still made it to market.

When millions of dollars are on the line, apparently test results don’t matter.

The millions of dollars do.

And did you know that as first-time parents, my wife and I dutifully obeyed our pediatrician?

Allowing her to inject all kinds of things into our tiny infants…

Well, our 3rd one had a reaction.

Thank heavens it was not “serious.”

But it drove us to do a little research.

We discovered that other published researchers, other practicing doctors, had different opinions than our pediatrician.

We discovered that a terrifying number of other parents had children who also experienced reactions…

Sometimes far worse than we experienced.

We tried to discuss what we had found with the pediatrician.

We were ridiculed and belittled.

How dare WE, a pair of college educated, science degree honor students with >130 IQs, how dare WE question HER?

WE did not have LETTERS after our name!

Well, we found a different pediatrician.

And all of these things slowly compounded…

The more I looked around, the more I discovered that our world was a sham.

In the 1980’s, eggs were bad for you.

Nowadays, every honest nutritionist, dietician, and medical professional will say the opposite.

Now, substitute “eggs” with nearly everything that the main stream has villified…

(fat. especially saturated. salt. full fat milk. from a mammal, not a plant. red meat. butter. you get the idea.)

It gets worse.

Imagine a rant like this, but for every single product you put in or on yourself.

For example…

For decades, we were taught to fear the sun.

Always cover up, wear hats and sunglasses, slather that Banana Boat all over your face.

And don’t forget to spray and aerosol version all over your kids. Hold your breath, kids!

And then we discovered that the chemicals in sunscreen are carcinogens, and that they quickly pass through your skin into your bloodstream.

What’s that? No one told you? Well, the FDA posted this in 2019. Basically, pretty please quit putting this stuff in sunscreen, someday.

But for now, it’s ok to rub cancer causing chemicals all over yourself in order to prevent cancer. 🙃 

Listen, let me remind you that I’m a scientist by training.

Academic accolades + 15 years industry experience.

I do research (PubMed, not YouTube), I evaluate the data, and I make decisions for myself and my family.

Strangely, the decisions I make are usually at odds with what the FDA, or the USDA, or the CDC, or the AMA, or the ADA, or the AAP recommend. And it must be a coincidence that all of their recommendations financially benefit themselves, or the organizations funding their research, etc…

Here’s the kicker.

I’m just done keeping quiet.

I’m done biting my tongue.

But instead of complaining online, I’m going to do something about it.

Welcome to White Pill. Optimism and hope for the future. For the world my kids and grand kids will live in.

It’s my Magnum Opus.

There is so much to do, where do we start?

Not sure yet.

Maybe with regrowing and recoloring hair…naturally?

Maybe with healing cavities without a dentist?

Maybe with fixing male T levels so that our species can still make babies?

I’m still deciding.

But what you can expect is evidence-based, science-based, non-toxic natural product focused REPLACEMENTS for everything that you put IN or ON yourself.

This brand is not at all political, but it’s a part of the Make America Healthy Again movement.

That’s what’s coming.

Now, you get to decide if you want to stay.

If you quietly unsubscribe, that’s fine. You won’t hurt my feelings and we can still be friends.

But if you stay, understand that I’m not pulling any punches.

I’m going to speak my mind. No filter.

You’ve been warned.

Thanks for hanging,


P.S. Quick vibe check. How is this landing?

How is this landing with you?

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